Test Code UA MIC CUL IF IND Urinalysis with Microscopic with Culture if Indicated
Additional Codes
Collection Method
Clean Catch Midstream Specimen
1. Instruct the patient how to perform a midstream Clean Catch Urine Collection using the collection kit and “Patient Instructions for Clean Catch Urine” info sheet (Attachment I). These instructions shall also be posted in all outpatient laboratory bathrooms where patient urine collections take place.
2. Provide the patient with a take-home collection kit and hard-copy instructions if collecting outside the laboratory.
Straight Catheter
1. Collect per nursing protocol.
2. Mark sample as a straight catheter collection.
Foley Catheter
1. Collect per nursing protocol.
2. Mark specimen as a Foley/Indwelling catheter collection.
Pedi Bag (High Risk Collection)
1. Cleanse the urethral area with the castile soap pad from the BD vacuum tube urinalysis kit, or another appropriate sterilizing cleanser. Rinse the skin with a water-damp sterile pad, and dry thoroughly with a sterile pad.
2. Apply the Pedi-bag to the skin around the urethra in such a way that it will catch the urine during urination.
3. Open a sterile specimen cup or conical Falcon tube. Carefully remove the Pedi-bag from the patient, and straighten the Pedi-bag with your fingers. Pour the urine from the Pedi-bag into the sterile cup or Falcon tube. DO NOT SUBMIT THE PEDI BAG FOR TESTING.
4. If there is insufficient urine to fill BD Vacutainers to the minimum fill lines, pour the entire urine into a sterile transport tube or cup. Close lid TIGHTLY. A sterile syringe with a black transport cap is acceptable, but not preferred.
5. Mark sample as a Pedi-bag collection.
Syringe/Aspirate (High Risk Collection)
1. Syringes of urine may be acceptable in certain circumstances. Remove any sharps, and cap syringes appropriately for transport.
2. Mark sample with the collection method and specific source (i.e. left nephrostomy, right ureter, etc.)
Sterile Cup
Acceptable Specimens
Urine in Sterile container
Minimum Volume
Reference or Target Ranges
Test | Reference Range | Abnormal Values |
Color |
Light Yellow, Yellow |
Red, Orange, Green, Other |
Clarity | Clear |
Slightly Cloudy,Cloudy, Turbid |
pH | 5.0-8.0 | <5.0 or >8.0 |
Specific Gravity | 1.001-1.030 | <1.001 or >1.030 |
Protein |
Negative,Trace |
30 mg/dL, 100 mg/dL, 300 mg/dL, ≥ 1000 mg/dL |
Occult Blood | Negative |
Trace, Small, Moderate ,Large |
Glucose | Negative |
100 mg/dL, 250 mg/dL, 500 mg/dL, ≥ 1000 mg/dL |
Ketone | Negative |
Trace, 15 mg/dL, 40 mg/dL, 80 mg/dL, ≥ 160 mg/dL |
Bilirubin | Negative |
Small, Moderate, Large |
Nitrite | Negative | Positive |
Leukocyte Esterase | Negative |
Trace, Small, Moderate, Large |
Urobilinogen | 0.2 mg/dL |
1.0 mg/dL, 2.0 mg/dL, 4.0 mg/dL, ≥8.0 mg/dL |
Microscopic Analysis
Test | Reference Range | Abnormal Value |
White Blood Cells | 0-5 /HPF |
6-10, 11-20, 21-50, 51-100, >100 /HPF |
Red Blood Cells | 0-2 /HPF | 3-5, 6-10, 11-20, 21-50, 51-100, >100 /HPF |
Epithelial Cells | 0-2 /HPF | 3-5, 6-10, 11-20, >20 /HPF |
Bacteria | None Seen /HPF | Occasional, Few, Moderate, Many |
Casts | 0-2 /LPF | 3-5, 6-10, 11-20, >20 /LPF |
Reportable Units
Critical Value
Not defined for this assay
Reasons for Rejection
- Labeled Incorrectly
- Improper Container
- Turbid samples containing high number of WBC, RBC, bacteria, or crystals.
- Urine that is visibly mucoid or has visible large particles.
- Urine containing visible foam.
- Urine collected in a preservative tube.
Specimen Stability
Ambient | 2 hours |
Refrigerated (2°C to 8°C) | 24 hours |
Frozen(-70°C to 0°C) | Do not freeze |
Performance Information
Days and Time Performed | 24/7 |
Expected Turn Around Time | STAT: 1 hour Routine: 4 hours |
Stat Availabilty | Yes |
Performing Bench | CPH Urinalysis |
Methodology/Method Description | Siemens UN3000 |
Reflex Testing
Reflex to Urine Culture
- Nitrite Positive
- Leukocytes 1+
- ≥WBC 6-10 / HPF
- Yeast ≥Few
- Budding/Hyphal Yeast = Present
- Bacteria ≥Few
CPT Codes
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